Thursday, August 19, 2010

8th Grade DLC Reflection

  • How are chemical dispersants harming the animals?
  • Is there enough chemical dispersants to clean up all of the oil?
  • Do chemical dispersants clump the oil together or get rid of it completely?


  1. In answer to the first question, I think that the dispersants are harming the animals by putting poison into the water which they eventually will breath in and kill them which in turn can cause a cause and effect situation which could go on forever messing with the food chain.

  2. Pertaining to question 3, I found this from "The dispersant particles bind to oil, sink, and are carried away by ocean currents. But while that could help keep a spill from reaching the shores en masse, it means the oil isn’t actually “cleaned up,” but rather diluted. And the dispersant chemicals themselves can be dangerous."

  3. 3.) Millions of gallons of the dispersant, Corexit, has been released into the gulf. In my opinion that's enough. BP has bought more than a third of the world’s supply. Dispersing the oil is supposed to be the best ways to ensure the safety of the birds and keep the oil from making landfall. But the dispersants contain harmful toxins and can leave leftover oil toxins in the gulf, where they can kill fish and migrate great distances.

    It's a lose, lose situation.

  4. Wow, Great Job everyone. Excellent questions and responses. I agree, it definitely seems like a "lose,lose" situation :-(

    Miss Leland
